Hydration for Muscle Gain
Hydrate with water and nutrient-dense options to help you meet your daily needs.
Have you ever wondered how much fluids you should be drinking per day? Don’t get tricked into believing the half your body weight in ounces fib that floats around the media or even the gallon per day recommendation that seems to have grown more popular recently.
The recommended fluid intake is about 91 ounces per day for women and 125 ounces per day for men. These guidelines are for TOTAL fluid intake, including all fluid found in food and beverages. Aim to incorporate water throughout the day and include some nutrient-dense options like the ones below to help you meet your daily needs.
Smoothies (include frozen fruit, nut butter, seeds, avocado, protein powder)
Protein Shakes: prepare them with whole milk to add a boost of calories
Whole Milk
Chocolate Milk
100% Fruit Juice
Finally, remember that these generalized fluid recommendations do not account for additional fluid loss due to exercise. Therefore, on training days, make sure you are adding in additional fluids to prevent dehydration and to make up for sweat loss!