Linda Sturdevant (Fat Loss)
“Because of their knowledge, I have had great success. I learned so many things that made weight loss a success at 67 years old.”
Working with Eve and the other dietitians has been a very pleasant goal achieving experience. Weight was never a big problem until I developed orthopedic problems that lead to 4 back and neck surgeries. Unable to play tennis and work out anymore, I had gained 25-30 pounds. Rather than try another fad diet, I sought the expertise of Eve and the other nutritionists at Nutriworks. Because of their knowledge, I have had great success. I learned so many things that made weight loss a success at 67 years old.
The first time I worked with Nutriworks was in 2014. I was successful for several years and then like many people…life got in the way. Throw in the Covid lockdown, I again gained a considerable amount of weight. In November 2021 in enrolled in the program. Eve designed a weight loss plan tailored just for me based on several factors. I met with Eve every other week. Shortly after, I also signed up for the meal plans, where Katherine created all my menus based on the macros I was allowed. It included the meal plan, recipes, and grocery list. The recipes were fabulous and very filling. I also highly recommend this as it makes losing weight hassle free.
I have learned so much from the Bootcamp where Eve, Katherine, and Maria all participated!!!! I learned the importance of macros, and how to calculate the amount of fat, protein, and carbohydrates per meal. I learned why it’s important to eat breakfast. I learned about the timing of meals and the effects of sugar, fiber, sodium, and water have on weight loss. I learned about vitamins and creating a calorie deficit. I feel like I had a lot of food at mealtimes and was rarely hungry. Best of all…. I had a generalized feeling of wellness. And as a result, I lost 23 pounds!!! After losing about 10 pounds, I was able to do 45 min of cardio 3-4 times a week and was also able to add some weight training. I am amazed at how good I feel, and the exercise has helped the chronic pain.
I would absolutely recommend Nutriworks. I have NEVER learned this much about nutrition and the healthy way to lose weight. I think there are several categories of people who would benefit. It’s great for people who have yo-yo dieted all their life trying to lose weight. I think it is also a great program for anyone who has high cholesterol and triglycerides or diabetes. I think both professional and weekend athletes would benefit also.
I just can’t say enough how great this program is. Once I completed the Boot Camp (which I loved and will do again), I thought of food differently. After I learned how poor nutritional effects long term health, I didn’t want to eat poorly. Interestingly…. I didn’t feel that deprived feeling you get with most fad diets (including the popular “no carb” diet). This truly is a way of eating I can sustain long term and be successful and happy.

David McKee (Fat Loss/Performance)
“I’ve lost 40 lbs of fat in the last two years using their guidance and have kept it off with an easy to follow maintenance plan.”
There is so much misinformation and generalizations on the internet for athletes on how to fuel for events, and even more for those just wanting to lose weight. Eve and the team at Nutriworks cut through all of the noise and distill it down to a set of personalized instructions to help you achieve your goals. This is not to say their approach is simple. I have asked enough questions to know Eve is thinking about a multitude of things in her head and giving me just the info I need at the time. I’ve lost 40 lbs of fat in the last two years using their guidance and have kept it off with an easy to follow maintenance plan. I highly recommend Eve and the Nutriworks team to help you achieve all of your nutritional goals!

Cristina Lopez (Performance)
“Nutrition is my friend now! And most importantly, she taught me how to do it, not just giving me a "magic" plan to follow without understanding the why.”
It has been a great experience because I've learned so much. For the first time in my life, I've felt a real difference immediately and honestly without extreme effort. The plans are very easy and personalized, and Maria has been great adapting to my day to day with small changes that make a big difference, and you can see it so it's easy to feel motivated. She really cares and listens to my needs and helps me to find the best way.
Most notably, I felt energized to do the training sessions, as I call it “to have the fuel needed to keep going.” Working with Maria has helped me to have what I need to feel good before, during and after workouts and races. Nutrition is my friend now! And most importantly, she taught me how to do it, not just giving me a "magic" plan to follow without understanding "the why.” That is priceless for someone like me that just knew the basics and not everything was even right/true. Nutriworks has been a life changer and the best ally to achieve my goals!
I totally would recommend Nutriworks, Inc. I've done it 3 times already because people started to ask me, not only because of how I looked but for the improvements in my performance, which was the main goal.

Kim Griffith (Fat Loss)
“My goal was to get back to the weight I was when my husband and I married 11 years ago which I accomplished with Eve’s guidance!”
I benefited in so many ways working with Eve over the last 10 months! My goal was to get back to the weight I was when my husband and I married 11 years ago which I accomplished with Eve’s guidance! I also wanted more energy to excersise and do the outside activities I so enjoy which I now have.
The most valuable information I received from Eve was to create good habits for long term success! She gave me resources to help me along the way. I get to eat most of the foods I enjoy (including a glass of wine) and the results were amazing and Eve’s staff is wonderful! They checked in with me and helped me to stay on track.

Dana Howe (Triathlon)
“Without Maria’s direction regarding what and when to eat on the cycling portion of the event, I would not have had any energy to complete the marathon.”
Over 5 months, Maria taught me about macro nutrients and helped me tweak some of the meals I was eating for healthier options. She helped me understand how many carbs, protein and fat I should be eating each day for optimal performance training for an Ironman Triathlon.
I successfully completed my first Ironman and felt incredible! Without Maria’s direction regarding what and when to eat on the cycling portion of the event, I would not have had any energy to complete the marathon. The sweat testing allowed Maria to help me understand how much salt intake I needed during my long workouts in hot weather. We worked on trying different types of food while cycling to determine what worked best for my stomach so that I did not suffer from IG issues during training or the event.
I also appreciated that Maria did not judge me when I would drink wine or eat ice cream but she would make suggestions that made me think about the food/drink I was putting in my body and the effects of those decisions.
I have already made several referrals for Maria. She would be good for anyone looking for assistance to learn healthier eating habits and/or seeking optimal athletic performance.

Kathleen Broussard (Running)
“I was able to go from being a lifelong nonrunner, who didn't even have the energy to run five minutes at a time, to completing my first marathon... I feel the healthiest I have ever felt in my life.”
Since high school, I have enjoyed playing tennis and being active, but I never had much stamina and would often feel dizzy and experience shortness of breath after only playing short periods of time. I was also anemic for years and unaware that I wasn't eating the appropriate amount of food. So when I began to run this past May and signed up for my first marathon in December 2021, I knew I needed to seek advice on how I would fuel my new running hobby. I contacted Nutriworks through their website and Patti quickly helped me schedule an appointment with Maria.
In my first session with Maria, she took the time to learn what my favorite foods were, my cooking habits, my activity level, and my goal to run a Marathon. Maria helped me design a meal plan and training schedule that worked for me and my lifestyle. During my monthly appointments, Maria tracked my body measurements and asked questions about my training runs to create my pre-race and day of race day fueling and hydration plan. From the first week of implementing Maria's suggested meal plan, I began to feel more energetic and healthier. My dizzy spells quickly disappeared and I was able to increase the amount of time I was running during my training sessions and eventually increase the miles.
In a little over 6 months' time, with the help of Maria and Nutriworks, I was able to go from being a lifelong nonrunner, who didn't even have the energy to run five minutes at a time, to completing my first marathon. The fitness advice and nutrition plan that I learned from Maria and Nutriworks has helped me build a healthy foundation that I can continue to benefit from and build on for the rest of my life.
Through my time working with Nutriworks, I was so excited to feel and see the progress I was making from implementing small changes to what I was eating. Not only did I feel healthier, but I gained confidence! I realized that if I am willing to learn new ways of doing things, to make the appropriate changes, and to put in the work that I have the ability to accomplish my goals. Maria taught me how to plan what I eat each day based on my activity level for that day. I learned the importance of balancing the appropriate amount of carbs, proteins, and fats into my diet. Before going to Nutriworks, I thought I should eat as few carbs and fats as possible. Maria explained that how carbs and fats play an important part in improving energy levels and recovering and how I can portion these foods based on the amount of energy I expect to burn in a day.
Maria and the rest of the Nutriworks team really do care about their clients and want to help them succeed. During my appointments, Maria was always excited to hear where I was along my marathon training journey and continually offered advice on how I could tweak my plan to work best for me. After my appointments, when I emailed follow-up questions about my meal plan or training schedule, Maria was always happy to answer my questions and give extra incite. Although I was training for my marathon on my own, I never felt alone because I knew I had the knowledge, support, and encouragement of Maria and the rest of the Nutriworks team behind me. I would recommend Maria's coaching and Nutriworks to anyone who is wanting to make changes in their overall health or working towards an athletic goal. Thanks to Maria and Nutriworks, I feel healthier than I ever felt.

Travis Everett (Muscle Gain)
“He experienced steady weight gain, increased energy, better sleep, and faster muscle growth while paired with strength training. Inside and out he feels the progress.”
Eve has immensely benefited my son, Travis. He is a busy student athlete playing club soccer. At 15, he came to her underweight and needed to build muscle. He is a vegetarian that was needing help in managing his nutrition with a proper balance of nutrients for his body and goals. She worked with Travis in creating a meal plan that he greatly enjoyed while eating the appropriate macros customized for his needs. The most valuable information we took from working with Eve is the appropriate balance of macros for his growing body. Further, we also had a visit for game day nutrition. It has been crucial in teaching him how to appropriately hydrate, eat, and supplement for optimum performance. I cannot recommend the game day nutrition consult enough!
He gained the correct amount of weight in the goal time frame (May through August). We are so pleased! Travis is performing better and feels more confident. He’s reached his goals but we plan to continue to follow up with her through the years to tweak his nutrition accordingly. My youngest son has since become a client of Eve after experiencing great results with my oldest. He is on his way to achieving the same goals. I have already told several people about Eve's services. I know adults and teens alike that would benefit from her knowledge in helping them be the best version of themselves.
Eve has a talent in teaching and interacting with teenagers. Nutrition can be a difficult thing to encourage teens to comply with. Eve knows how to approach it with nonjudgement and support. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for my boys!

Jennifer Treger (Fat Loss)
“I feel good, am sleeping better and lost the fat that I could not get rid of!”
I have always enjoyed working out and being active. But wasn’t seeing the results I had hoped for. After working with Nutriworks Inc. for 2 months, I learned how to time my meals as well as the breakdown of meals (carb, fat, protein). Now I feel good, am sleeping better and lost the fat that I could not get rid of!
Eve is so great. She works around your goals, lifestyle and maintaining a realistic outlook of “life happens”. I would recommend her to anyone. Especially to any moms who are hanging on to the last bit of baby weight from carrying babies. I was so happy to see my goal attained. You truly can’t “outrun a bad diet”. There is true science behind what Eve knows. Trust the process!

Jim Weaver (Fat Loss/Triathlon)
“I lost about 15 pounds over 2 1⁄2 months with Nutriworks. Then I was able to place 2nd in my age group in a local sprint triathlon.”
I was tired of living the yo-yo pattern of weight loss I struggled with throughout my life. From the 2020 virus from China, I put on more weight than any other point in my life. I knew I needed to make a permanent change. After talking with a friend, Roger, who referred me to Eve, then mentioning that conversation to my wife, Tami emphatically said that it was Eve that she used years before when she trained for a number of marathons. I decided to see Eve. The benefits include scientifically based knowledge from an expert, a structured eating plan based on my own eating likes’ and dislikes,’ regular accountability and, most of all, Eve makes it fun.
The most valuable information I learned from working with Eve is that she knows what she’s talking and she “walks the talk!” She taught me about how to eat (and drink) before training sessions, what to eat after (and when) and what to avoid eating. All of this is helping me make the changes I am looking to make as a part of my lifestyle. She also put me on a meal plan that works for me – no gimmicks, just solid nutritional advice that worked.
I lost about 15 pounds over 2 1⁄2 months with Nutriworks. Then I was able to place 2nd in my age group in a local sprint triathlon - a goal I previously set to achieve late in 2021. It was a very satisfying surprise. That result then earned me an invitation to the USA Triathlon Nationals in August this year.
I absolutely would, and have, referred both friends and family to Nutriworks. Although I wanted nutrition advice to help me with my athletic goals this year, I really wanted to gain knowledge-based control over my eating habits. For anyone interested in stopping the senseless up-and-down and up-and-down weight gains and losses they fight, Nutriworks is for them.

Charlie Campbell (Fat Loss)
“I feel a lot better now having lost 17-19 lbs!”
Over the last 5 months, I lost weight and inches and I learned how to better fuel my workouts. I struggled for years and kept thinking “I need to go see Eve” before I finally did. I made a few changes with her direction, which made a dramatic difference.
I learned I was eating too much sugar, not eating enough protein, and eating at the wrong times. I feel a lot better now having lost 17-19 lbs! Eve was great to work with; I’d absolutely recommend this program to others!

Penny (Fat Loss)
“After trying fad diets and diet pills all my life I actually lost weight (and inches!) by eating foods I like.”
After trying fad diets and diet pills all my life I actually lost weight (and inches!) by eating foods I like. I learned how to look at food differently by counting calories, portion control and mixing the right kinds of food together to make a complete meal.
Eve also was able to get to the root of my GI issues during my marathon races. She certainly knows what she is doing. You won’t get anything past her. She knows if you are following her plan.
I would absolutely recommend Nurtriworks to anyone that is serious about weight loss and learning about what is right for THEIR body when it comes to eating.

Jerry (Health)
“My blood pressure and blood sugars are down and I no longer have to take cholesterol medication.”
I lost about 35 lbs after working with Eve for 6 months. I learned eating less is not always the key to losing weight. My plan outlines a lot more calories than I expected.
Along with weight loss, my blood pressure and blood sugars are down and I no longer have to take cholesterol medication. We’re working to reduce my blood pressure meds too. Huge wins! My overall stomach issues have been reduced as well.

Jimmy (Health)
“I learned how to eat healthy and exercise. I lost 63 pounds and gained muscle!”
After working with Nutriworks for 3 months (with 3-4 visits), I learned how to eat healthy and exercise. I lost 63 pounds and gained muscle!
Eve is very knowledgeable and easy to work with. She lets you choose the foods that you like to eat and sets up a meal plan to eat healthy.
Anyone who wants to learn proper nutrition and/or lose weight would benefit from working with Nutriworks, Inc!

David (Running)
“I used to have a massive slump around 3pm every single day. Now, I have the energy to make it through an entire day. I don’t ever need to rest, collapse, or take a nap.”
Eve’s plan isn’t just a typical cold cut nutrition plan, it’s a lifestyle change. I am now more cautious at counting my macros and making sure I’m getting the right (and balanced) numbers every single day. I’m a math guy, and I love to figure out what I need in each meal to make it work. There is a true science to this, and following the numbers that are assigned to you, exactly as you see them, is the most important thing you can do when following a plan.
Eve’s plan has also helped me explore new options and expand the foods I eat to things I wouldn’t ever have thought to implement into a plan. She is the single most non-judgmental person I have ever met. She is very understanding, and will make it work for even the pickiest of eaters like myself.
After 3 months, the most notable result I’ve noticed was the amount of energy that I have. I used to have a massive slump around 3pm every single day. Now, I have the energy to make it through an entire day. I don’t ever need to rest, collapse, or take a nap. I also used to crave sweets all the time, who would’ve known the solution to this was as simple as eating balanced meals? Eve’s plan is catered to you, your metabolic needs, your training needs, and most importantly, the foods that you like.
On a side note, Eve encouraged me to supplement my workouts with core. I now do core daily, and am seeing some great results from that. Physically, I feel like my core is a lot stronger and my stomach is getting flatter. All of these things have helped my training for distance running tremendously. I recommend this service to anyone who is willing to follow a plan, make a lifestyle change, commit, and trust the science.

Marcelo (Mountain Biking)
“It was very eye-opening doing sweat tests. I knew I did sweat a lot while exercising, but had never quantified for different types of exercises.”
Eve offers a very personalized service. She was very detailed-oriented to understand what products I had used … and made all calculations of calories, sodium, fluids that I needed, and suggested strategies that I had opportunity to test and provide feedback.
Then adjustments were made as necessary. It was very eye-opening doing sweat tests. I knew I did sweat a lot while exercising, but had never quantified for different types of exercises, and therefore didn’t know what or how much to put back into my body to keep performing, which is especially important for endurance events.
Altogether, the process was 4 months since first consultation. I lost 12lbs, and more importantly finished the races I wanted without feeling de-hydrated at the end.
The most valuable information I learned was how, when and what to refuel my body with, while racing, while using the products that I’m familiar with and know work for me. For racing, the benefit was having a strategy, and being able to test and make adjustments. But overall, having the ability to structure well the meals with the proper groups/quantities in order to lose weight. Something that wasn’t happening despite the tremendous amount of hours I had been putting on training.
I absolutely wish I had done it long time ago, and as such, I would recommend it to beginners and advanced athletes that want to improve their results.

Lea (Running)
“She is a professional, and I always feel confident that I am receiving advice grounded in science.”
I'm a competitive distance runner (mostly marathons and ultras) for whom proper nutrition and fueling are critical. Eve taught me the basics of constructing a meal/snacking plan that I can easily follow and adjust without sacrificing foods that I enjoy.
She takes the time to understand your goals and to develop an individualized plan to achieve them. She cares about her clients' successes and failures. She is a professional, and I always feel confident that I am receiving advice grounded in science. I never worry about conflicts of interest or whether I am being marketed to for the latest supplement du jour.
The overall (and most exciting) benefit is that both times I've worked extensively with Eve, I've achieved PR times in road marathons, even as I've gotten older. Most recently, at the age of 44, I PR'd at the BMW Dallas Marathon with a chip time of 3:16:19.
I first began working with Eve in April 2014 when she helped me get a handle on gastrointestinal distress issues that were plaguing my long runs/races. As a consequence, I was deliberately under-fueling and limiting my performance. I checked in with her periodically through 2015 as I ventured into ultra running and needed help learning to fuel for longer events.
In April 2018, I sought her help again to overhaul my diet and lose weight as I prepared to go for another PR in a fall marathon. With her guidance, I also noticed a change in body composition (reduced body fat) that complemented my disciplined training resulting in faster paces at an easier effort. I’ve learned that achieving an optimal and sustainable race weight takes time, patience, planning, and accountability. There are no safe shortcuts.
I have referred several people to Nutriworks in the past, and I will continue to do so. I think everyone can benefit from a solid nutrition/diet assessment but especially athletes who seek to improve their performance. Eve is a joy to work with and an expert in her field. I cannot stress enough the importance of consulting a licensed, degreed professional for nutrition advice. Eve has the degrees, license, and certifications to back her up. I will continue to work with her as I embark on more ambitious goals for 2019 and beyond!

Kathleen (Figure Skating)
“I have better stamina and shorter recovery times from learning how to properly fuel for my sport and make adjustments as needed.”
Eve has changed the way I eat and has helped me have more balanced nutrition to keep me fueled for my figure skating. She has helped me choose what to eat, how much and when. When I eat properly, I notice that my stamina is better when running my programs. I also noticed that my soreness and recovery are minimal compared to what they used to be. I used to get horrible cramping in my legs and would be sore for days following a heavier training day. The cramping has since gone and recovery times have also been drastically reduced.
Oddly enough, I was eating about twice as much as I previously was. Eve has also helped me understand macronutrients and how to properly chose them according to my goals (performance, weight loss, etc). This year I finally met my goal of winning the national title of “Adult Gold Ladies National Champion”. First, I had a qualifying competition for the Midwestern part of the US, where I had to place in the top four, then was able to proceed on to nationals. I notice that as I age, the more important nutrition becomes to keep my body performing best. Winning nationals wouldn’t have been possible without the help I received from Eve to fuel properly.

Jami (Health)
“Little did I know how easy Eve would make healthy eating. ”
I first started visiting Eve because I couldn’t find a solution to chronic migraines that landed me in the hospital. I had just started seeing a bodywork/massage therapist for the same reason, and he suggested I see a nutritionist with a sports performance focus.
In the past I had successfully gotten super fit - extremely lean and strong - however, during that time I was obsessive about logging my food, to a point where I don’t think it was healthy. This time around I was worried about returning to the stress that came along with meal prep, hard to find ingredients for recipes, and eating 5 meals a day. Life was already stressful. I needed this to be easy for me.
Little did I know how easy Eve would make healthy eating. She broke down fats, carbs and proteins into simple lists, explained how I need to pair foods for my body, and made eating easy. I truly appreciate her simple workout and eating plan. Feeding my body the fuel it needs to run healthfully helped me get my body in order and reduce my migraines. The migraine reduction helped me quit my job, which eliminated stress, and now the migraines are pretty much gone. It’s shocking, I still can’t believe it.
A side note of importance for women - for the past 16 months my menstrual cycle has been inconsistent. Doing exactly what Eve told me got my cycle back in order. I think this was a big step toward getting a handle on stress and my health. Now when my cycle is out of whack I go back to my food and workout schedule - and even if I’m under stress in my life, my cycle comes back. It’s amazing how powerful food and exercise are for my body!
I think I’ve been working with eve for 7 months - and keep seeing her. I really want this to stick and consider her my nutrition coach! My migraines are gone, that’s the big one. I also have a solid understanding of healthful eating and can quickly make eating decisions on the go. A side benefit that I didn’t expect is how much I’ve helped my family. I’d rather they book an appointment with Eve, but they are now logging food and eating more balanced meals that has led to weight loss and an uptick in energy for them.
Eating a well-rounded meal isn’t complicated and eating in general isn’t complicated. If I give my body good meals then I feel my best - and if I’m not feeling well I need to take a look at what I’m eating to see if I’m doing what I need to do first, before going to the doctor.
Everyone should go see Eve! I tell everyone I know about her. If you don’t feel well, start with your food and exercise and go see Eve. A side note on the sports performance focus - I’m not an athlete, and wasn’t given a detailed answer as to why I needed to find a nutritionist who worked with actual athletes. My massage therapist who gave me this recommendation is in the top of his field so I didn’t question him - I searched Google. After making a few calls I had nutritionists who wanted to start off with running a lot of tests that were expensive. One nutritionist told me that I had a thyroid problem, and she made this declaration during her first 5 minutes with me over the phone. I spoke to more people who were unhelpful and judgmental about this request, but I stuck to my guns and I’m so so so absolutely thankful that I stumbled across Eve and Nutriworks.

John (Weight Lifting)
“I no longer struggle with eating, my body has more muscle and less fat, my lifts have improved, I look and feel better, and I have developed better eating habits.”
My life has improved significantly since my first appointment with Kelsey. The benefits are too many to count, but the most important ones are: I no longer struggle with eating, my body has more muscle and less fat, my lifts have improved, I look and feel better, and I have developed better eating habits.
Since I was in high school, I struggled with eating. I ate the wrong foods- mainly carbs and sugar for breakfast- and became hungry almost immediately after. I would then eat anything to feel full and as a consequence, I put on too much weight. I knew I had a problem when I drove through a Sonic drive thru a second time to get more candy on my ice cream.
I realized I was too heavy and as a result, developed what I later realized was an unhealthy habit to lose weight. I began fasting for long periods of time. I would go 20 hours without eating until my body was shaky and my memory was foggy. This method worked-at first. I lost 30 pounds by fasting. Even though I didn't feel good, my weight was under control, and I thought I was on the right track. August of 2018, my gym bought a body composition monitor, and I realized my body fat percentage was close to 20 percent. I was crushed. I spend 5 months in denial that my body fat was that high and finally made a nutrition appointment. Kelsey helped me get though the initial few weeks of change, until I was comfortable with new eating habits. After I implemented her recommendations, I have been able to meet my goals. I exceeded my target amount of fat loss and currently am building muscle with a different meal plan. I have discovered several bonuses since I changed my diet. I have more energy since I am leaner and also found my unhealthy mental behavior disappeared when I ate properly. I feel more confident and flattered with the looks and attention I get in the gym.
I have worked with Kelsey since January 14, 2019. I still see her every other month to assess my progress and design my eating around my goals.
I am leaner, stronger and healthier. As of August 2019, I have lifted weights for 8 years and am now the leanest I’ve been since I was in high school. This means when I look in the mirror, I can see all of the hard work I’ve invested in my body. My lifts in the gym have increased. I can squat 3 plates and bench 100 lb dumbbells. This strength is useful when I work with machinery or help my parents with their luggage. Lastly, I feel better. Kelsey told me it’s important to have balanced meals spaced throughout the day. I can think more clearly and feel calm and level-headed.
The most valuable information is knowing what and when to eat. Despite the panoply of articles I read and fringe diets I tried, I did not understand nutrition until Kelsey spoke with me and gave me a personalized meal plan. I no longer feel anxious about being too hungry or putting on too much weight. Anyone who is willing put in the effort will benefit from working with Kelsey.
I appreciate all of the help from Kelsey. Staying healthy while working a full time desk job sometimes feels like an uphill battle, and I get irritated when colleagues joke about the huge bottle of water I carry or when coworkers tease me for avoiding donuts from the breakroom trough. In spite of all this, Kelsey reinforces my effort and motivates me to pursue healthy eating and a lean physique.

Dory (Running)
“The awful sloshing sound during runs is now a thing of the past.“
I decided to work with Eve after a marathon that I was unable to finish due to an upset stomach. My concern was that during all of my long runs and longer races I was unable to intake any water or fluids.
Running while completely dehydrated was not only effecting my performance, but it was also dangerous. Right off the bat, Eve was able to identify that my sodium intake was really low which was affecting the way I absorbed liquids. My diet now reflects this change.
I worked with Eve for about 6 months. We started the journey in spring and ended it in November after my goal race. I set a PR and a BQ at the Route 66 Marathon without any stomach problems. I was able to drink and take fuel as I practiced during my training.
I am able to drink fluids during my runs and take gel as well. The awful sloshing sound during runs is now a thing of the past. I don’t bonk during training runs or longer races because I am not severely dehydrated and I can fuel my body better during the runs.
Tweaking my sodium intake was really important to be able to perform better. Eve also offered me solutions on the methods of taking gels during the runs and reducing GI upset. I was also given feedback on my food intake the days leading up to races. I was frequently under eating the day before to reduce the chance of GI upset.
Any endurance athlete who wants to perform better would benefit from this service.