Five Ways to Enjoy More Veggies
Sick of the same ol' steamed broccoli and roasted cauliflower? Vegetables don't have to be boring!
Sick of the same ol' steamed broccoli and roasted cauliflower? Vegetables don't have to be boring and there are plenty of ways to incorporate them in unique and enjoyable ways. Here are five easy ways to increase nutrient-dense veggies into your meals and snacks:
Spiralize them: Zucchini noodles have become popular over the last couple years, but that isn’t the only veggie that can be turned into noodles. Try yellow squash, butternut squash, sweet potato, carrots and even beets as spiralized noodle alternatives.
Mash them: The classic veggie mash that comes to mind is potatoes, and who can resist velvety mashed potatoes? However, potatoes aren’t the only starchy veggies you can use in this way. Try other starchy veggies like parsnip, turnip, or celery root as your “potato base” and add in mashed or pureed carrots, butternut squash, or pumpkin for a touch of color and nutrient boost.
Rice them: Cauliflower rice is another new popular food item for good reason- it is so versatile! You can mash it along with the veggies in the previous point, but you can also turn it into the texture of rice! And don’t forget about broccoli; it can be used in the same way, too. You can buy these already prepped or make your own by pulsing the veggie in a food processor until it reaches rice consistency.
Blend them: They may not always look pretty when blended into a smoothie, but their flavor is typically well disguised when combined with fruit and other ingredients in your favorite smoothie. Add greens, cucumber, carrots, beets, and even mushrooms to your next smoothie to pack in the nutrients without the calorie punch.
Disguise them: Most baked goods, like muffins, need a liquid component. Oftentimes oil serves this purpose, but you could also use pureed veggie to bind ingredients in your favorite homemade baked good. Try adding pureed pumpkin, butternut squash, mashed banana or unsweetened applesauce in place of some, or all oil.